Mistress Lorraine is keeping a sharp eye on her sissy in training, Sharon, watching her on the webcam as she is doing her chores, making sure she is doing as instructed. After berating her slowness, Mistress orders her over to the lounge for suitable assessment and punishment. Sharon is subjected to an impromptu inspection and is caught out for not having her cock locked up in her frilly panties, earning her a reprimand.

Ms Lorraine then applies more makeup to the sissy, a special permanent lipstick and a body spray that will feminize her even further and make her compliant and eager to please. Sharon is then punished with the special violet wand attachment, zapping her body and cock, making her moan before a big butt plug is inserted and a hard OTK spanking administered. Finally Mistress decides to hogtie sissy and a large dildo attached to a fucking machine is left pounding her throat, as she contemplates her day’s behaviour.