Hunteress Sjambok Whipping
It is not often you will see an authentic sjambok in use! The Hunteress is rather displeased with her attendee in that he has arrived with markings from a prior session. When the Hunteress is displeased, she leaves her victims with something far greater to be unhappy about! None of the implements used in this session are for the novice, they all inflict punishing damage and when she brings out the sjambok the slave knows his limits are about to be challenged and surpassed!
St. Teresa’s School For Boys
The Dirty Peeper
Martin Sellers has been caught in the girl’s toilet and has been send to the headmistress. He say’s that the bigger boys pushed him in there to get him in trouble but this isn’t the first time he has been caught spying on the girls as they do their business. Perhaps thirty-six severe strokes of the cane will deter him from doing it again!